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[Dissemination] I published Fundamental Needs in Wearable Computing: Specificities for Young People at 2nd International Conference on Convergence Information Technology on 22 November 2007.

[Dissemination] I appeared in the article 人と出会うと画面変わる、コミュニケーションする服 (Display changes on first encounter, a garment that communicates) published by the Japanese newspaper 日経産業新聞 on 13 November 2007.

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[Dissémination] J'ai publié Fundamental Needs in Wearable Computing: Specificities for Young People à 2nd International Conference on Convergence Information Technology le 22 novembre 2007.

[Dissémination] J'apparais dans l'article 人と出会うと画面変わる、コミュニケーションする服 (L'affichage change lors des premières rencontres, un vêtement qui communique) publié par le journal japonais 日経産業新聞 le 13 novembre 2007.


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[Events] I visited 富良野 (Furano, Japan) to see its famous lavender fields and to hike the nearby mountains while no snow prevented it in July 2008.

[Events] I visited the department of clothing and textile of 연세대학교 (Yonsei university) in 서울 (Seoul, South Korea) on 7 September 2007.


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[Seminars] For the 11th HIS seminar, Dr Platon (JSPS, NII) presented his research on sensor networks in 東京 (Tokyo, Japan) on 28 May 2008.

[Funds] Researchers may request funds from 情報科学国際交流財団 (International Information Science Foundation) before 30 June 2008 to visit Japan between 01 September 2008 and 31 March 2009.